
  • Updated: 1/1/24

Dinolingo, established in 2010, is headquartered in New York City and is owned and operated by Dino Lingo Inc. This company operates as a private corporation with two partners—a husband and wife team. Notably, Dino Lingo Inc. has been entirely self-funded, with no investors and no debt.

Dinolingo experiences a notable YoY growth rate, thanks to its SaaS business model in the education technology sector. This model includes a separate website catering to individual users and a B2B model targeting schools and larger institutions.

Dinolingo’s valuation information is available on Carta. Despite its success, Dinolingo has not sought external funding or partnerships since its inception. However, the company remains open to discussing potential partnerships or investment opportunities. Interested parties can reach out via email, as Dinolingo is based in New York City and welcomes discussions.

4.9/5 - (66 votes)
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