
Fun Facts about Spanish

Spanish is the second most common language in the states and widely taught in many schools throughout the country. Spanish has Latin roots as many words might sound familiar to English speakers Spanish has been spoken in Spain, Mexico, most of South America and Central America. Dino Lingo uses Latin American Spanish Dialect Spanish words

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Travel Hispanic countries

Hispanic countries are home to some of the most interesting places in the world. The Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain is a fortress that was built in the 14th century. It was made out of red clay and is known for its beautiful tiles. The Panama Canal was made between 1904 and 1914 and joins

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Verbal and non-verbal communication in Spanish

Exploring the intricacies of verbal and nonverbal communication in Spanish culture unveils a rich tapestry of social customs, etiquette, and interpersonal dynamics. From linguistic formalities to gestures of warmth and hospitality, navigating the nuances of communication offers insight into the vibrant cultural fabric of Hispanic societies. Formality in Language In Spanish-speaking countries, the use of

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Hispanic Game: Escondias

Escondidas is a traditional children’s game like Hide And Seek. This game works best with five or more players. One child is chosen to be “it” and this person closes his or her eyes and counts to a set number 10, 30, 60 or even 100. As that child is counting the other players run

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Hispanic culture holidays

Most people in Hispanic countries are Catholic so the biggest holidays are religious. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus and is spent with family. Christmas Eve is called “nochebuena” (“good night”) and ends with a Misa de Galla, or Midnight Mass. The poinsettia flower is typically associated with Christmas in Hispanic communities. Many countries also

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Traditional Hispanic clothing

Traditional Hispanic clothing is brightly colored. It was almost always made of woven fabrics, sometimes with patterns woven right into it. Wealthy people were able to make their clothes from silks and satins, and some men wore capes on their shoulders and sashes like belts. Sometimes wealthy people even used gold and silver thread in

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Spanish Foods

Each Hispanic country has famous local dishes but there are a few that are recognized around the world. Some of these don’t even require cooking. In ceviche fish is covered in lemon or lime juice and the acid in the juice makes it ready to eat. Gazpacho is a soup originally from Spain and is

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